DiiEn Welcome

Data ==> information ==> intelligence
=== Enabling businesses and Communities

We provide Training and Consulting in areas of: This may be of interest to business, community and data professionals, in varying roles eg:
Business User, Data Steward and/or System Owners, Developer, Analyst or Architect, Senior Management

We have experience in various business sectors – particularly in UK and Spain.

With an interest in open data, and how it can be used and created by individuals, communities and businesses.

Pointers to possible areas of this website of interest, by role:
For (senior) managers
May be interexted in future data managment essentials course
or 1:1 sessions to understand some concepts with terminology, and examples
For business users
May be interexted in Power BI intro course 1
For data stewards and system owners
May be interexted in Power BI intro course 2
For analysts and architects
May be interexted in Power BI intro course 3
For developers
May be interested in analyst or architecture concepts and practices
Case studies
For Data professionals who are also English language improvers
May be interexted in future data managment essentials course
or 1:1 sessions to understand some concepts with terminology, and examples